Music as company and common ground.

I don’t know what I would do without music. Living by myself can be lonely and deafeningly quiet at times but listening to my CDs, iTunes, or my newfound love Jango (free internet radio) always fills the silence and makes me feel like I’m not so alone. It’s my friend, my dancing partner and my solace.

I think music and song fills a unique space inside us. I remember watching an interview on TV with Australian media personality Andrew Denton and he made this profound comment, I can’t recall his exact quote but here it is paraphrased:

Music is the only thing in the world that can mimic human emotion.

I always remember that whenever I think about how a certain lyric or tune resonates deep within me. Whether it brings on nostalgia or excitement, reminds you of a broken heart or makes your body instinctively gyrate, it never ceases to amaze me how quickly one’s mood and the atmosphere of a place can be instantly transformed through the power of music.

This occurs the planet over. All people are affected by music and unified in their love for it. Look at the number of world famous musicians who go on global tours, even performing in countries where the residents speak a completely different  language. This has been especially interesting to me since getting to know my students. I’ve noticed even when we struggle to converse, there is usually a spark in their eyes when you ask them questions about the music they like, which singers are their favourite or what instrument they play. The forced dialogue totally changes tone from self-conscious and awkward to impassioned and communicative when you discover you are both fans of the same genre or artist. I love clicking when we find something in common like that. So many of my girls go giddy when we talk about Lady Gaga and One Direction. It’s awesome.

One of my favourite students even burnt the last four years’ Grammy Nominee CDs for me, complete with printed cover art, after we talked about our shared love for Adele, Maroon 5 and Coldplay one lesson. She’s such a sweetheart. I’ve since introduced her to Jack Johnson and after our last class I lent her my albums to copy. She’s also now converted to Muse. In that lesson I taught her the word ‘headlining’ because they were the main act of Summer Sonic here in Osaka. I really wanted to go so she even brought me in the set list in English, but tickets sold out. I am badly craving a festival or at least a good dance session!!!

Was hoping for a bit of dancefloor action on my first night out on the town last week but it wasn’t exactly pumping out here in conservative little Okayama City. It is my mission to find a local square of decent dance floor I can shake it on.  I am officially on the search for a worthy club or live music bar. Will keep you posted.

Categories: Arts, Feelings, Language, Lessons, Love, People, Places | Leave a comment

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