4 days to go.

So good to wake up without an alarm at 8am and go back to sleep until 9am.

Up, breakky and stuck into the job applications, concentrating on UWS. There are some great jobs going at Penrith and Parramatta. My littlest sister gave me the idea by sending me a link to a job on her campus so I could “stay with her forever”. Taww I wish I could be with her wherever I live. Maybe for a little while it would be nice to stick around anyway.

My old UWS mentoring program supervisor, who actually had coffee with right here in Okayama a couple of months ago also sent me another one through Facebook after seeing my status calling out for a favour in the form of a job hook up. Social media is so useful.

11am off to bank to close my account, final official errand. Well, you’d think that would be simple but no! My manager was wrong it wasn’t “easy” and I couldn’t to it by myself. And I didn’t only need my cash card. Even though I really didn’t want my friend I’m staying with to help me with anything else, because frankly I’m sick of feeling dependent and incompetent, it’s lucky I did because the bullshit the teller spewed at me (by that I mean she politely asked for something in Japanese that I couldn’t understand and because what I was trying to do was, once again, a complicated problem due to inefficient systems and the language barrier I was pissed off so anything she said I hated), I wouldn’t have been able to follow without an English translation. So ride home in the sweltering to heat to get not only my cash book that I never use but also my passport even though my ID here is always my resident card. Return, take a new number, wait again, fill out the same form, because of course there was an issue with my name. Finally after almost yelling and almost crying in the bank, we walked out. I feel so bad for being an impatient and uncooperative bitch to both the staff and to my friend but I simply have no tolerance anymore. I just want to do things by myself in English without anyone holding my hand, trying to do it for me or needing to translate. I’m really over it. Thankfully that should be the last situation like that.

Finished buying my thank you gift, bought luggage locks and went home by myself. Aaahhh I love being on my own. Glad I told Mum I want the back room again, she thought after missing everyone and being lonely I would want to be in the other spare room inside the house for the company. No, I really value my privacy and me time now. Hope I can live by myself again soon. Actually really missing eating my own meals. But I’m saving money so for now I have to take whatever I’m given. Not that it’s all bad but I usually don’t eat many carbs and Japanese families have rice or noodles or some kind of batter in almost every meal! I need to lose fat when I get home. I’m so uncomfortable with these extra rolls and dimples.

Online English teaching work application. That would be a great solution. Just Skype from home. Again a friend and a student sent across links through Facey. Good idea to post the call out.

Reading my book in the massage chair. What do you know? I am relaxing. So nice and calm. Even happy.

Write my thank you cards and put the presents together. Ready. Very happy with them. Should take photos tomorrow to remember them.

8:50 ride to gym, yoga class at 9.20. Probably my last one here. Looking forward to English instruction again. Wow everything is going to suddenly feel so easy and effortless once I get back. It’s actually been quite a lot more stressful than I allowed myself to admit, living here. I guess I was committed and I knew I had to make the most if it and put up with whatever difficulties there were, but now that I’ve passed my 12 month goal and all my original expat friends are gone I’m just annoyed by all of it.

Waxing done. I swear my life revolves around hair removal. What I would give to be a blond haired woman!

Going to read and go to sleep. Was meant to have an all day thing including a movie date tomorrow but my friend clearly forgot and didn’t write back to my questions about the details. Didn’t write back at all until just now, after I said forget it and gave him a little piece of advice for not letting people down. I had been looking forward to it for a month. Oh well, lots of job applications to do anyway.

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