3 days to go.

9am – finished adventure book, 30 adventures in 13 months!!! Pretty happy with that.

11-12 Skyped a friend

2pm met Kazuhiro at Okayama station (meant to have Kazuhiro Day all day as we planned a month ago but he forgot and has been working like a slave so only half. I was cut and started out saying forget all of it, but he was genuinely sorry and I love his company so agreed to go).

3.20pm Godzilla at Movix Kurashiki & caramel popcorn. Happy girl. Man I miss going to the movies regularly. One of my favourite things to do.

6pm dinner at well know Italian restaurant downtown Kurashiki.

As always he was the perfect gentleman, even paid for everything, great conversation, light affection, nothing more. Just a beautiful man, inside and out as I told him. I wonder if I’ll ever see him in person again? I’m sure we’ll

8.20pm meet Ida behind her school, drinks at the bar Kazu and I went to last time, he showed us there before we said our goodbyes. Chatted and laughed and drank until 1.15am! Just what we needed. Walk 25 minutes home.

1.45am home but I left my fucking keys in my gym bag from yoga last night! Grrr. Walk to 7-11 to use wifi to message Mitsuyo, wait for reply, message Ida who kindly offered to have me at hers. No reply from Mitsuyo so cab to Ida’s. Silly mistake but all good. Sigh. Sleep time.

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