2 days to go.

8.30 woke up before alarm, slept surprisingly well on Ida’s spare futon on the floor for about 5.5 hours. Pretty comfy, I’m used to anything after having wood 2 inches from my back for a year.

Luckily Mitsuyo messaged me to come pick me up from Ida’s saving me can money and time.

10am meet Mihoko at gas station, drive to Kasaoka to see the sunflower fields. The rain just stopped as we left the city, maintaining my reputation as Sunshine Girl, I worked my magic unawares and we had a beautiful (if a little hot), day amongst my favourite flowers. I love how cheerful sunflowers are. You can’t help but feel happy and positive in their presence. Was so relaxing to stroll through them, observing the way their ecosystem works with the bees, grasshoppers, birds and their due east reaching faces as if in worship of the rising sun. We were lucky to see so many out apparently. I am always so lucky. Mihoko says it’s because I attract it. What a lovely sentiment. I like to think so, some of the time. But I truly strike gold with people and weather these days! Let’s hope I can bring this good fortune home with me.

1.30pm drive back to Okayama, discuss the delights of FamiChikin as our pre movie snack/ lunch on the road.

3pm arrive just in time to enjoy my last movie in Japan at the foreign film Cinema Claire I’ve been wanting to go to for ages. Small and musty with cold customer service, just like Richmond Regent and just how I love my movie theatres. That brings me to four movies I’ve seen at the cinema here. I’ve missed my regular monthly sometimes more movie trips. It’s still one of my favourite things to do. So excited to go back home and have no subtitles, enjoy the ads in English and order everything without the assistance of my friends!

5pm drive home to Mihoko’s and chill, checked out her whole house for the first time – it’s so high like so many levels! People can’t build out here so they build up. Carrying laundry up and down all those stairs must be a punish!

6pm dinner, more like full on feast, held in my honour to fare me well with her mother, Aunty (my kimono teachers) and father. This family is a true joy to be around. I will definitely keep my promises to them about returning, hopefully with ducklings in tow. Her Dad speaks no English but drew this adorable picture for me with Mihoko explaining he hopes my wishes come true about having my own family and welcoming us back into his home. There’s a popular news story about a family of ducks that migrate through the streets of Tokyo ever Summer that this image is depicting and he said it’s a symbol of the Japanese way of life. The whole family moves together. The two small objects are gorgeous ceramic mini Mt Fuji chopstick rests Mihoko just presented to me. She’s so thoughtful.


It’s quite true actually, children usually stay living in their family home until marriage without any judgement of failure, newly delivered mothers and their babies come home for the first month so their mother can help take care of both, and children always take responsibility for their ageing or ill parents. Their sense of duty and obligation is admirable. As is the detail to which they pay the welfare of any and all dependents. Overbearing and obsessive, even neurotic at times, definitely, but full of love, care and the utmost respect.

9pm I was even given a cake with candles! More than makes up for the one I didn’t get on my birthday this year. My wish? Happiness. Love the deliberate Aussie twist on the message plate. Bless Mihoko, after living in Australia for years and keeping close ties with her host family, she feels half Australian herself. The perfect person to take my last little trip with. Almost like a transition preparation day. She even goes “I feel like meat on a barbie”, as we cooked in the sun. Lol.




10.30pm tears and more tears saying goodbye to this wonderful family who’ve welcomed me so warmly. I will definitely come back to visit one day. And I will send cards. Goodbyes are so sad.

11.30pm web check in & arrange earlier Shinkansen as my bulky luggage is going to considerably slow me down on the tight ten minute transfer. Mitsuyo suggested an earlier train and wider gap so there’s no need to rush and no risk of arriving to the airport late (as in early late – a serious problem in Japan). This time the concern is definitely appreciated, I want my departure to be as smooth as possible.

12.30pm I wanna read a little and sleep long.

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