1 day to go.

Woke up around 8.30, loving waking up with no alarm! Definitely going to enjoy this part of not working.

Job application.

Frozen duet to the video on YouTube with my little Sachi.

11.30am leave to pick up Sachi’s grandmother and take her to the train station to send her off on her big Australian adventure – a homestay in Brisbane for two weeks. She is so excited she said her heart is pounding in her chest. And a little nervous, mostly about not having Japanese rice everyday, in more than one meal. Bless her.

12.15pm sign “I love you” through the coach window to her pretty smiling face. Cry. Ride to lunch with my student. Delicious tempura soba. Love that dish.

2pm home, pack, sit, stand and jump on my smaller suitcase to get the zipper to do up. God damn I have so much shit. 40 kilograms of checked in luggage (purchased the maximum additional) and 15 kilograms among three pieces of carry on. 

Skype friend

5.45pm ride to Ida’s, amazing dinner at a Turkish restaurant with Ida, Kathryn and Joseph. Another emotional goodbye. I know Ida and I will stay friends, I can’t wait to see her again. Cry.

10.45pm Skype friend on 7-11 wifi. Will miss you 7-11. Actually not really, will miss my trusty old Family Marts more. But they were reliable for the internet on my mobile in the beginning and the end at least. Need to get a prepaid SIM asap when I am back in Australia so I am easily contactable and have a new number to give to job applications. Will get a new contract when I start my full time job.

After talking about Jetstar with Ida she explained the 40kg max means you can’t even pay for more if your carry on is over the 10kg so I am going to have spend $80 posting my backpack. More money gone.

Tomorrow before I leave I am just going to post some Facebook albums, apply for a couple of jobs, type my future project notes and email Cheryl, sort through my last ‘throw or give away’ box with Mitsuyo and go to the post office. Then it’s my last bullet train at 3.30pm, arrive at the airport at 5.30pm and fly to Cairns 8.25pm.

I’m comin home!!!!!!

I did it. One full year of living, working, travelling and enjoying life in a foreign country. May it not be my last.  Spain 2016 is the next dream and plan. Not only did I survive, I soared. It was not easy but the best things in life often are not. May this sense of adventure, freedom, self belief, open mindedness and resilience last a lifetime. 

Thank you Japan. Arigatou gozaimasu. Mata ne. We will surely meet again. 

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