
Shukshuka and coffee with coconut oil, stevia and almond milk

Yum!! Shukshuka is my favourite breakfast meal so far. Delicious.


White tea and two coconut lemon ‘cookies’


I left my leftovers at home! Luckily I brought enough snacks. 

2/3 green smoothie

Half paleo bread slice

Two ‘cookies’ (Uh-oh, these are a bit dangerous. Morish much).


Green tea with mint

Four Brazil nuts 


Last of my lime coconut chicken soup

Made a variation of the Healing Kale Soup with chicken for meals over the next week. Added colostrum too, hope I can’t taste it!

Think soups are going to become my new ‘fast food’. I’ll have to have at least one meal of soup everyday to get my serve of bone broth if I’m not drinking it straight. 

Also made my breakfast smoothie as I forgot the rest of my smoothie and chia pudding in the fridge at work and I’m going to my course tomorrow so I need to stop by the office to grab those for snacks which gives me less time to make breakky in the morning. 

They always cater for morning tea and lunch at my course and it’s delicious and mostly locally sourced but tomorrow I’ll be BYO. 

More Paleo bread. I was still hungry. Not quite enough for dinner.

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